ASIC Company Name Search

It is important before registering a company in Australia that you perform a company name search on the ASIC register to check the availability of the proposed name. Luckily, this step in the process is really simple and can be completed online in only a matter of seconds.

How will ASIC determine company name availability?

When checking the availability of a company name, ASIC:

  • disregards “a”, “an” or “the” from the beginning of the name
  • removes plural form
  • omits punctuation marks and spaces
  • ignores the legal elements; and
  • treats words with the same meaning as an identical form of that word (e.g. company, coy and co are considered the same)

There are also a number of words and expressions that are restricted for use meaning you can’t register that company name without consent. In order to use these words or expressions in your company name, the applicant will need to apply for ministerial consent and pay an application fee. You can view these words and expressions on the ASIC website.

What will happen if my name is not available but I lodge the application for company registration anyway?

If your proposed company name is too similar to an existing business name or company name, ASIC will reject your application for company registration.

What about Trademark and Domain Name availability?

It is important to note when registering a company in Australia that the ASIC company name check tool does not search the Trademark or Domain Name registers. It is advisable before choosing your company name that you independently search these registers.
