Family Trust

Learn what a Family Trust is, the tax benefits of setting up a Family Trust in Australia and more.

This depends entirely upon the wording of the Trust deed. Most Trust deeds provide that there are two ways of removing a Beneficiary:

  1. the Beneficiary by document in writing renounces his or her interest as a Beneficiary (a Renunciation may be mandatory if the change is made in conjunction with a Centrelink Declaration); or
  2. the Trustee makes a declaration that henceforth a particular Beneficiary will no longer be a Beneficiary. The Trustee should carefully study the Deed to make sure that the Trustee has that power. The Patricia Holdings Deed does give the Trustee the power to remove a Beneficiary. The Trustee should be very careful when removing a Beneficiary not to create a re-settlement.

Family Trust

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Patricia Holdings Family Trust
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